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To register as an employer; To register your employees; To Register and Sign Up for e-Services (eNAPSA), follow this link:
To submit monthly Return, follow this link: e-Services Login, Help.
To pay Statutory Contributions, follow this link: e-Services Login, Help.
To view your Member Statement or Employer Contributions, follow this link:
Latest News
Dear employer, kindly be advised that the due date for payment of NAPSA contributions for the month of April 2022 has been extended to Thursday 12 May 2022. This is due to system challenges that our ICT Team is actively addressing. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
May 11, 2022 -
NAPSAs New Board Chairperson. Mr. Shipango Muteto
Mr. Muteto bring with him vast experience as a seasoned insurance and services marketing executive and consultant with over 38 years of hands-on experience in Insurance, Reinsurance, Risk Management and Marketing, in Eastern & Southern Africa. He is a Chartered Insurer and Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute of the UK, a Fellow of the
May 6, 2022 -
NAPSA Commemorates 2022 Labour Day
The National Pension Scheme Authority NAPSA on 1st May 2022 together with other government, parastatal and private institutions country wide took part in the commemoration of this years’ Labour Day under the theme: ‘’Accelerating Social-Economic Transformation through sustainable and Decent Job Creation amidst Covid – 19.” NAPSA, utilizing theatre, raised awareness and shared information its
May 3, 2022 -
The National Pension Scheme Authority – NAPSA this week held an Integrity Committee member training as it intensifies its efforts in corruption prevention. The training, facilitated by the Anti-Corruption commission has been attended by NAPSA heads from across the country who will serve as focal persons in the fight against corruption in their respective locations.
April 1, 2022
Real Estate PortifolioLevy Business Park / Kalulushi Housing Scheme