Investment of Funds

The Authority has invested in the following Traditional and Alternative Asset Classes

  1. Government Securities
  2. Fixed Term Deposits
  3. Corporate Bonds
  4. Listed Equity
  5. Infrastructure
  6. Real Estate
  7. Subsidiaries
  8. Socially Targeted
  9. Private Equity


Under Listed Equity, NAPSA holds shares in 16 companies.

COMPANY Total Issued Shares  Total # of Shares held by NAPSA NAPSA % Holding 
AELZ 20,406,600                          293,798 1.4%
BATZ 212,456,304                       6,394,439 3.0%
CCHZ 114,047,025                          546,916 0.5%
CEC PLC 1,625,000,597                     15,779,333 1.0%
CEC AFRICA 1,625,000,597                     15,779,333 1.0%
LAFARGE 200,039,904                       9,499,102 4.7%
NATBREW 63,000,000                       1,400,000 2.2%
PAMODZI 100,000,000                       4,164,607 4.2%
PRIMA-RE 30,000,000                       4,281,895 14.3%
PUMA 500,000,000                     49,972,746 10.0%
REIZ 56,460,198                       5,691,431 10.1%
STANCHART 1,666,981,048                     39,873,967 2.4%
ZAMBEEF 247,978,195                     24,797,819 10.0%
ZAMEFA 27,090,100                       3,290,567 12.1%
ZAMSUGAR 316,517,385                     30,788,021 9.7%
ZANACO 1,443,750,531                   140,355,061 9.7%
ZCCM 160,800,286                     24,120,043 15.0%


Equity Market

  • 23 companies listed on the LuSE.
  • NAPSA holds shares in 16 listed companies.
  • Emergence of REITs on the market.
  • Institutional Investors buy to hold
  • The LuSE index has been showing a positive trend from 1997 to 2013 despite the slump during period 2008-2009 caused by the global economic crisis.

Benefits of Equity Investment

  • Diversification Opportunity
  • Long term in nature best for ALM
  • Capital gains
  • Dividends
  • Bonus shares