Benefits FAQs


Can I get any other benefits apart from the monthly pension?

Members who do not meet the qualifying criteria for a pension are paid either retirement lump sum, invalidity lump sum, or survivor’s lump sum.


How are benefits calculated?

All lump sum benefits are determined using the following components:

  • Total employee contributions
  • Total employer contributions
  • Index amount (compensation for loss of value)
  • Interest amount

Normal retirement and survivor’s pension benefits are determined using the following components:

  • Salary – average indexed monthly earnings
  • Replacement rate (0.001111XM),

Where M =Months of pensionable employment


Early retirement pension benefits are determined using the following components:

  • Salary – average indexed monthly earnings
  • Replacement rate (0.001111XM),

Where M =Months of pensionable employment

  • Number of months between early retirement and attainment of normal retirement


Invalidity pension benefits are determined using the following components:

  • Compensation for lost years
  • Salary – average indexed monthly earnings
  • Number of years lost from works as a result of invalidity
  • Greater of monthly pension and minimum pension


What is compensation for loss of value?

Compensation for loss of value is the adjustment of a member’s contributions to NAE (wage inflation), and the indexation factor applied to each year of contributions is calculated as follows:

NAE in year of statutory retirement/invalidity/death

       NAE in year of contribution


What is the lowest pension NAPSA pays?

NAPSA law provides for a minimum pension. This is the lowest monthly retirement or invalidity pension payable in a given year and is computed as follows:


20% of the National Average Earnings (NAE) applicable in the year of retirement or invalidity, as obtained from the Central Statistical Office.  


Examples: 2015 = 20% of 3,981.00 = 796.20    

     2016 = 20% of 4,219.86 = 843.97


How long are pensions paid for?

NAPSA monthly pensions are paid to the member for life, and are converted to a survivor’s pension if the member passes away.  Invalidity pensions are converted to retirement pensions when the member attains normal retirement age.

Continued payment of the pension is dependent on annual submission of a pension life certificate by all pensioners (retirement, invalidity and survivor’s).


Does the rate of pension remain the same over the years?

All NAPSA pensions in payment are adjusted annually in line with changes in NAE (wage inflation).

What happens to my contributions if I pass away?

Survivor’s benefits are paid when a member passes away, regardless of their age.


How is funeral grant calculated?

Funeral grant is computed as follows:

10 x the minimum pension applicable in the year of the member’s death.

Examples: 2015 = 10 x 796.20 = 7,962     

     2016 = 10 x 843.97 = 8,439.70


How will I know how much I will be paid?

NAPSA contribution statements provide the principal amount payable, consisting of employee and employer contributions. The principal amount will be indexed to wage inflation (compensation for loss of value of the contributions over time), and interest will also be added.  

How do I apply for my benefits?

Once a member reaches retirement age, becomes invalid or passes away, the member or surviving beneficiaries should visit their nearest NAPSA office or mobile office with an original Identity Document for advice on how to claim their benefits.  Once eligibility is determined, a claim form will be issued together with instructions on completion and guidance on supporting documents.


How long does it take to get my benefits?

It takes 30 working days to pay a benefit if all beneficiary details and contributions are made available, the necessary documents have been submitted, and death verification has been completed in the case of survivor’s benefits.

Missing contribution and beneficiary data results in delayed processing of benefits.  Members are encouraged to regularly request for contribution statements and update their spouses(s), biological and legally adopted children using the member registration form.  


How are benefits paid?

All benefits are paid by bank transfer.  Monthly pensions are paid into pension accounts that are opened for the pensioner by NAPSA.


How do I verify my benefits?

Benefits payable can be verified from the nearest NAPSA office where a payment voucher can be obtained.


Can I continue contributing to NAPSA after I receive a benefit?

A member who has claimed a benefit cannot rejoin the Scheme and is encouraged to formally notify their employer if they continue working or enter into employment again.


What has happened to the contributions I made to the ZNPF?

NAPSA has continued paying benefits on behalf of the ZNPF. Benefits payable under the ZNPF are:

  1. Age – payable in the year a member attains 50 years
  2. Retirement – payable in the year a member attains 50 years
  3. Survivor’s and funeral grant
  4. Physical disability
  5. Mental disability
  6. Emigration
  7. Home ownership withdrawal for building or purchasing a house – requires the member to leave a balance of 24 months of contributions
  8. Supplementary savings – voluntary contributions

Are ZNPF benefits adjusted to inflation?

ZNPF benefits are not adjusted to inflation.  Interest is however paid on all contributions.

Can I claim my ZNPF benefits together with my NAPSA benefits?

Members can claim their ZNPF and NAPSA benefits at the same time by completing the respective claim forms.  

NAPSA further provides for the conversion of ZNPF contributions to NAPSA contributions, to enhance the chances of qualifying for a pension at a rate of 12 ZNPF months to 3 NAPSA months.  Members who qualify for pension under the sliding scale are not eligible to convert their ZNPF contributions.

For further information, please e-mail Customer Services using or our Call Centre on +26 0211 395677