Member Information


A member of NAPSA is one who has duly registered with NAPSA, has been issued with a Social Security number (and card) and contributes to the scheme in accordance with the National Pension Scheme Act. No. 40 of 1996 of the laws of Zambia.

This person is eligible upon retirement or invalidity to receive a benefit payment from NAPSA; subject to the prescribed conditions which are outlined later on in this edition.


As membership to the National Pension Scheme is compulsory and the following employees among many others are covered:

  1. Employees engaged on Part time.
  2. Employees on probation or casual basis.
  3. Employees engaged on Permanent basis.
  4. Employees on contract.
  5. Domestic workers
  6. Non Zambians engaged by local institutions.
  7. Public Service workers who joined the civil service after 1st February, 2000
  8. In all the above types of employees they should be aged between 16 and 55 years of age

Conversely, there are some classes of employees who are exempted from NAPSA membership which include:

  1. Non Zambians employed by international organizations or those that enjoy diplomatic status.
  2. All the workers aged 55 years and above are exempted because they are above retirement age according to the prevailing statutory requirement. Similarly, it is not legal in Zambia, to employ workers below the age of 16 as they are minors.
  3. Workers earning below K15.00 are also exempted from NAPSA. In a bid to try and cover every worker, Pay As You Earn tax exemptions do not affect NAPSA deductions in any way. This therefore implies that wage levels that are exempted from PAYE, are not exempted from NAPSA for as long as they are above K15.00
  4. Members of the armed forces are equally exempted, but it should be noted that civilians engaged in the Zambia Air Force, Zambia Army, the Police Service and other related wings of Armed Forces; are eligible members of NAPSA.


Registration of workers has also been simplified by completing and submitting a prescribed Member Registration/Amendment Form no. NPS 421. This form is obtainable at any NAPSA office, including mobile offices, for those in far and remote areas. It is very important for members to complete this form because

  • It enables NAPSA to create a Social Security Number especially for them
  • It is also a way that NAPSA can have information about them as members.
  • Through the completion of the same form, they also nominate the beneficiaries in the event   that a member dies.

The Member Registration/Amendment form plays a cardinal role where a member is concerned. Therefore, a member can complete this form as many times as possible in cases where they have changed employment, gotten married or divorced/separated. They can also fill in when there is a new baby born in the family or when any of their nominated beneficiaries dies.


It is important for all to note that any non-Zambian employed in Zambia is also expected to submit correct information to the Authority. The following is therefore the position of the Authority regarding their registration:

  • All non-Zambians are obliged under the National Registration Act to obtain NRCs within two weeks of entry into the country if their stay exceeds three months.
  • Hence, any filled in member registration forms without NRC numbers will be regarded as invalid.


Employees should make sure they fill out a new form whenever any of the following happens:

  • At employment or change of employer
  • Change of marital status
  • Birth of a Child


After a successful completion of the registration process, members should expect to be issued with the Membership Card referred to as the Social Security Card. With this card they can walk in any NAPSA office to obtain their Member Statements. These cards are also obtainable from any NAPSA office and can be issued instantly.

It is an appeal that all eligible members of the scheme dedicate some time to find out further on what NAPSA is all about and any other pertinent concerns they feel should be attended to. Above all where matters of social security are concerned, information is very key.